Grief is a journey of love and finding what path is right for you. There are many paths and the landscape of grief changes as you move through it. It is a journey of confusion when one is feeling scattered. It is a journey of exhaustion while so much of your energy is connected to your grief. Symptoms of grief can be physical, mental, emotional and behavioral. The griever is attempting to understand what has transpired and what the future will hold. This journey involves reaching out to others, perhaps joining support groups, and finding new routines.

 It is a journey of questioning and learning new ways of interacting with our world. A world in which identity is questioned. A world in which relationships may change and we are searching for the how of doing new things.  Who climbs the ladder and changes the lightbulb now? A world in which we need to expand in order to survive. It is done a step at a time. It is done with self compassion and understand that it takes work. It may be done with the use of new tools. New tools such as ritual, symbolism, journaling and finding ways to remember.

 Many times it involves questioning our faith. But it always involves establishing a new relationship with your loved one and continuing the bond between you. This can be done in a variety of ways. We continue their legacy. We share stories. We find ways to honor them. We  hope they will come to us in our dreams. Often we feel their presence and hope that it is real.

 Alfred Einstein said “Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be changed from one form into another.” And so…what is another way we can continue the bond? Can we cross that thin veil and connect with them? That thin veil they crossed over? Yes, we can.

Loving Heart Connections® provides a way to connect with your loved ones, spirit guides, and higher guides. It can be done on ZOOM. To schedule a session contact Teresa or Linda.