
Photo of Teresa


Teresa is a licensed clinical social worker, earning BSW in 1990 from Illinois State University and MSW in 1992 from the University of Illinois, specializing in mental health. In 2018, Teresa was certified in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). She has found profound healing for grievers with this process and has expanded practice to the spiritual modality Loving Heart Connections® (LHC) training with Dr. Jane Bissler in 2022.

Over the last 25 years Teresa has worked in the healthcare setting, primarily in the hospice setting providing care to chronic, terminally ill, patients and their families. Focusing on a strength-based, client-centered approach, and supporting patients and families with exploring and creating coping strategies, meeting end of life goals, and relationship reconciliation.

Teresa has also served as bereavement coordinator offering many strategies for grief work. She has had the privilege to witness the sacred and spiritual journey of death and dying, including the ongoing connections and the synchronicity that grievers experience.

Loving Heart Connections session empowers the participant to connect with their deceased loved ones, spirit guide and /or their higher selves that can promote profound healing. In addition, the participants will have the confidence and understanding of technique to continue their spiritual journey.

If you would like to schedule a Loving Heart Connections session, you may reach me via email. Available evenings and select weekends.