Extraordinary Experiences

Extraordinary Experiences

As grief counselors, Teresa and Linda have heard many stories through the years of how extraordinary experiences comfort and support those that are grieving. Let’s look at the scope of these experiences.

Many grievers report the sense of presence or energy from a loved one. This is one of the most common experiences that is reported. These experiences happen many times soon after a death or when the griever is in danger. Those grieving may also report hearing their loved one or identifying a smell associated with them.

These extraordinary experiences may include visions. The loved one may speak or remain silent, or it may include a conversation. These visual appearances are not as common as sense of presence but do occur with the bereaved.

Mystical experiences and synchronicities are also quite common. These feel as if the loved one is sending a message that he or she is okay. Synchronicity is not just a coincidence but a coincidence with a spiritual aspect.

As you read this, you are reminded of your own mystical experiences and sense of presence which you may or may not want to share for fear others may not believe in them. As we grief counselors we know they are real and amazingly beautiful. We know that they help you cope and feel connected to your loved one. We know that in a world that has changed dramatically, they help you make sense. We know that they help you continue your story with your loved one. This is the reason why we have embraced Loving Heart Connections® . Please join us in engaging in this Extraordinary Experience.

Linda’s favorite EE story:

One beautiful September evening, a new grief group gathered in session to share their stories and sorrow. One woman, Jan, told of her young daughter who had died recently and her love of apples, decorating her home with them. As Jan walked the lane to her mailbox, she spotted a perfect apple in the middle of the lane. No apple trees on the property, so where did it come from. She knew that it was Rachel’s message to her that she was okay. This shared story began a conversation about other mystical experiences and one of the participants stated that she had heard that whenever someone say a deer it was a message from a loved. And…in that moment, another participant was drawn to the window and called out…a fawn was gazing in at us. In the dusk of this fall evening, it seemed to have glow around it.  We all gasped, struck by the beauty and awe of it. Someone asked who the message was for, and we realized that it was for all of us. That was 2004, and I still get goose bumps and tears when I think of that powerful moment.

Linda’s favorite LHC story:

Truly, if feels like all the clients I have done, are my favorite. They are each amazing in their own way. A recent LHC involved a mother whose son had died. When he came to her, it was as a toddler, and he took her hand and just walked with her. He then appeared to her as a teen in the basement playing his guitar. She felt that he was telling her that the bond they shared from the time he was little will always be present. The second meeting, she knew was validation of his life and the happiness he received from the band he was in. We never know how they will come to us or what the story will reveal.

Teresa’s favorite EE story:

One my very first and personal experiences was after the death of my beloved father at the age of 58. I was already well into my career as a social worker, but only in hospice for less than 3 years. The profound and acute grief was one that I had never experienced as I tried to making sense of his death.

I was back to work and doing home visits and met with and woman with end stage cancer, as I sat close to her being an attentive listener, she looked at my name badge that had my last name on it.  She then asked, “is your Dad John?” with caution I answered yes he is.  Without hesitation, she shared that he was her last boss at her long career with a local company and stated, “he was the best boss I ever had”. My father rarely talked about his work and I believe the universe wanted me to know that others in the world indeed saw him as I did.

This was the first of many EE experiences for my father, but the number is vast over my years in practice with the terminally ill and the bereaved.  As I have been witness and hearing the beautiful connections in my practice, the use of LHC is every exciting to explore what the universe has of us to witness together.

Teresa’s favorite LHC story:

As one client shared during her LHC session, all the various senses were touch, in memory as well as a deeper connection, expressing “I feel like I am being drawn in” with deeper colors. As she walked along, she felt both joy and sadness and that she was being lead through nature with clouds, trees, and noticing sounds of mower and scent of watermelon.  He was in the distance, his back to me as we walked, and “I felt peace”.  The colors lightened and he waved and said “I’m good” and the overwhelming sense of calm and peace, “I feel like I have been touched”.