
Photo of Linda Evans
Linda Evans, RN, LPC, CT

When my sister died of cancer at the age of 41, 2,000 miles away and alone., I was working as a nurse. My answer to the pain of her death   was to become an oncology nurse. My grief healing formed into caring for others and their families. It enabled me to be present with those in need in a way I could not be when my sister died. This journey of grief led me to new pathways. I obtained a master’s degree in counseling and after 20 years as an oncology nurse, became a grief counselor for a nonprofit hospice. My focus was in developing tools in which grief could be expressed and the bond between those and their transtioned loved ones could continue. Furthering that education, I received a certification in thanatology.  I have a certification in EMDR and in IADC [induced after death communication]. These two methods of support are the basis for Loving Heart Connections® , which uses bilateral stimuli to connect with those that have crossed over. Taking Dr. Jane Bissler’s class in Loving Heart Connections and sharing this intervention with my clients has opened doors for them in their grief journey. If you are interested in engaging in this modality, please contact me via email or visit my website.